Membership in The American Legion is open to all veterans who have served a minimum of one day of active duty in the armed forces of the United States, were honorably discharged, and would now like to volunteer to help their community and other Veterans.

Annual dues are $45. Initial payment may be paid by using the “Donate” link and indicating in the notes that this is for membership application.

The Post will provide a Legion uniform cap, although it must be ordered to size. Legion ball caps may be purchased from the Post. At times, we may order bulk pollo shirts with Legion logo and Post embroidery if there is enough interest but generally, polos, T-shirts, ties, and other Legion logo wear are purchased directly from The Legion uniform cap, Navy blue sport coat, white shirt, black or Legion logo tie and gray slacks are considered the formal attire/uniform.

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    The American Legion

    American Legion Post #775
    John A. Stacker
    5945 Horseshoe Bar Road
    Loomis, CA 95650

    Serving Veterans. Serving America.

    Your donation will be used to help The American Legion Post 775 fulfill its mission to support veterans, military personnel, families and communities.

    Please Donate Today